Our Beach Experience at Sasagawa Murakami, Japan
We all know that Japan has four well-defined seasons, from March to May is spring, June to August is summer, September to November is Autumn, and December to February is winter. People in Japan can endure the coldest temperature and can withstand hot temperatures too during summer such as turning on the air conditioner inside the house, eat some ice cream to lessen the feeling of heat, and of coarse to go to the beach to feel the fresh air and feel the cold temperature of the water. But I noticed that even its summer in Japan, the water is still freezing for me, may it be in the ocean or the house.
It is Summer in Japan, and the weather is scorching. One early morning we woke up without any plan of going out, but while having our breakfast, everyone agreed to go to the beach near our place as the temperature was too high. We went out by 10:30 in the morning in Japan time.
Sasagawa Nagare Murakami is a beach with a beautiful view and gives a relaxing feeling while staying there. The coast is deep for small kids ages to 3 years old, but older kids may use floaters to play on the waves, but of coarse parent’s supervision to the children is still necessary. The Beach is a free entrance for everyone.
We did prepare some rice balls and snacks for the beach. Everyone wants to swim, and our son wants to go fishing at the same time.

We don’t have any swimwear and fishing equipment with us at that time. So when we left the house, we went directly to the mall and bought some beach necessities and fishing equipment first before going to the beach. The beach near us is the Sasagawa Nagare Murakami. It takes almost 1 hour of travel from our place to the beach through a private car.
What we bought are rash guards, swimming pants, fishing rod, fishing hooks, food for catching the fish, life jacket, fishing nets for kids and other kinds of stuff use for catching the fish.

By noontime, we are out of the malls and hit the road going to the beach. It takes almost one hour of travel via car from our house to the beach. Along the way to the beach, are a

By one in the afternoon we arrived at the beach. We set-up our tent and start eating our lunch. Other beach goers brought their cooking sets to cook their lunch meals, some are enjoying the cold water by jumping on the cold ocean water, others are reading books and taking pictures of the beautiful scenery.
Right after eating our lunch we already found the perfect place to catch the fish. There is a hidden river at the back of the big rock just beside the ocean. It is where the saltwater and

We did catch a fish named Fugu or pufferfish. But we just let the fish go after catching as Fugu fish is known for having lethally poisonous parts of the fish that may contaminate the meat if not carefully removed.

Just at the top of the beach are the two tunnels for vehicles and trains. On the other side of the beach is where you can see the rest house for visitors who want to stay overnight or have a decent bathroom.

The following pictures are the photo taken from

By 3 p.m., we decided to leave the beach. It was another great experience of staying on the coast of Japan. Catching fish in the cold water of Japan is a unique experience too for this trip. Everyone enjoys despite the heat from the sun. Our kids really enjoyed the whole journey to Sasagawa Nagare Beach and kept on asking to go back there again.
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