How to Renew a Philippine International Driving Permit
Five years ago, I requested for a new international driving license. What I did first was I enrolled in driving school to acquire my Philippine driving license. I can’t remember exactly how many hours I underwent the driving lesson but it did help me get my Philippine Driving License. We never knew back then if how long we are going to stay in the Philippines but we knew that sooner or later we will gonna move to Japan and settle down there for good. So as a preparation, I got my International Driving License at the main office of Automobile Association of the Philippines at Quezon City. I can’t remember exactly how and what I did to get my first International Driving License back then, but in this blog, I will share how I acquire my renewed International Driving License permit.
Before the end of the year, my family will be moving to Japan. The province in Japan that my family will be living soon is far from the place where we can get groceries, schools, malls, parks and many more. So owning a car in Japan is not a luxury but a necessity for our daily lives there. In addition to it, the weather in Japan is really freezing that walking in the street is really impossible.

I search first where is the nearest AAP branch near me to renew my international driver’s license permit. I found one AAP branch from Makati at Kakarong street.

The Automobile Association of the Philippines or AAP has its official website too. For the complete details on how to apply for a new and renew PIDP (Philippine International Driving Permit) may go directly to their website here. An Online Application is on their website as well. Since the location of the AAP is just near to my place, I just went there directly. I called first on their hotline number on what should I bring when I renew my PDIP. They said just bring a Philippine Driving License, one copy of 2×2 picture with white background, and a renewal fee of Php 3920.

When I arrived at the AAP office there is no other applicant other than me. The transaction was just so fast, it lasted for just 5 minutes and done. The staff explained that I can only use my PDIP for one year in Japan, once the PDIP expired I cant renew and use again. Continuous using of the PDIP in Japan is prohibited according to them. Only if I will stay in the Philippines again for 3 months, thats the time I can renew my PDIP and use it again in Japan. The AAP is sending all the names of the applicants to Japan embassy so Japan can monitor who will enter with PDIP. They instructed me to pick up my Phillippine International permit on the following day.
The next step is to practice driving in Japan when I arrive there because their driving position is on the right side of the road which is the counterpart of the Philippines. Mastering of road signs too are a big challenge for me as some direction is written in Kanji. Afterwhich is im going to apply for a Japanese driving license, hopefully I do it just before my PDIP expires. I heard that Japanese driver instructors are too strict for passing a foreign applicant. Still, a long way to go so I’m crossing my finger for a successful plan about it. Once done, I will be sharing it to you on my separate blog.
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