Unboxing Review of my Huawei Matebook 13 Series that I Bought from Amazon Japan

Just recently, I got my hands on a Huawei matebook that I ordered from Amazon Japan. It was an upgrade from my Asus laptop that I’ve been using for my blogging website. I noticed that my Asus laptop now is making my work a little bit slow. It hangs up wherever a lot of applications were open. I now got to change it to my new Huawei Laptop, and it was the best laptop I am eyeing for a long time ago. However, my plan at the very start was to choose the newest laptop released by Huawei, which is the Huawei Matebook X Pro. Aside from that, the Huawei X pro’s price that was a new release is quite high compared to the laptop I ended up buying right now. Still, I realized that I don’t play or make any heavy application to use the X pro, so I ended up buying this Huawei Matebook 13. And since going out right now is not an option, I decided to buy from an online store which is Amazon Japan. It offers a Japanese and English interface for foreign customers here in Japan, just like me. Certified user friendly if you purchased from Amazon Japan. Below is my laptop package that arrived after 2 days that I placed the order which is true to what is written in their website schedule. Not my first time ordering from Amazon but this is the most expensive item that I bought so far. The price is 79,800 Yen with free shipping. Pardon me for the poor light when I took the picture of my laptop.

Amazon box with my laptop.
Amazon box with my laptop inside.
The laptop that I bought from Amazon.
Inside has many bubbles airwrap to protect the laptop.
The Huawei Matebook Series.
My Huawei Laptop Matebook 13 Series.
The manual and its accessories.
The laptop has its styrofoam protection when you open the box.
The complete accessories of my Huawei Laptop Matebook 13.

Inside the box with the laptop are manual and USB cables, charger, and USB adapters.
Can share with the other devices.
It has a Huawei share that enables any Huawei device to connect like I can view my Huawei cellphone android on my laptop. The Processor is Core i5 in 8th Gen.
The port that can connect to the adaptor.

There is an instruction that it must be charged before turning it on. When I charge it, it automatically turns on, and the new laptop’s configuration started.

Language selection on my first configuration.
The illuminating keyboard of my Huawei laptop.
Keyboards are illuminating too when you used the keys.
My Laptop after the complete configuration.
Now ready to use after the many configurations. Easy and fast configuration, by the way, so one must doesn’t worry.

As of now, no complaints about my new Huawei laptop notebook series. Hoping to write blogs as much as I could with this laptop’s help with such a breeze. It’s a plus that I can easily be brought anywhere this laptop with its slim and lightweight structure.