How Much it Cost to Buy a Brand New Car in Japan Vs. How Much the Cost to Maintain a Car in Japan


After almost 1 year of stay here in Japan, we finally had our own family car. Migrating here takes many things to do for our families, such as adjusting the school for the kids, the environment, the weather, and how Japanese people lived here. Now we are currently living in my mother-in-law’s house as my husband is the only son. The house is big, and a lot is vast for plantation and convenient to play around while our children are still in playing age. Since our transfer here, we have used only one car whenever we need to go somewhere alternately. By informing in advance where to go on the following day, we manage to operate a two-family vehicle.

My first task is to pass the driving test to drive here in Japan, which I’ve done already. We plan to buy two new brand new cars for us, and mother law. But we realize the old car of my mother in law is not that old enough to sell; in fact, it looks brand new as it only drove just within the town plus owned by a lady, so it was maintained cleanly and correctly. So ended up buying one car alone for mother in law. After three months of waiting, we let her buy her own car, a bit delayed coz mother in law chose a model that is not in the store. She finally received it recently this month of October 2020.

There is a lot of car brand in Japan, but the most famous is the Toyota car company. Toyota motor corporation is a Japanese multinational automotive manufacturer. Prices depend on the sizes of the car and what type of technologies or equipment is installed. Mother law chose a small car, with four sitters capacity. The senior citizen here in Japan is driving small vehicles favorably for safety. That’s why she bought a size fit for her. The car she bought was the Toyota Passo with a whopping selling price of YEN 1866870.36, almost 2 Million Yen. We assisted her with installing technologies such as customizing the camera, headlight color, etc.

Pick up of brand new car.
The day when the mother law with our son picks up her brand new car.
Inside the Passo Toyota.
Inside the Passo Toyota front seat.

After the new car’s arrival, it was scheduled for a blessing in a nearby temple. Witnessed it by going to a temple and utter a prayer for the owner/driver in the sacred Buddhist temple.

The Passo Toyota.
Got blessed right after arrived in the house.

For the Toyota Vios with Automatic engine, our recent car that ended the registration when the new car arrived was renewed as soon as possible at the nearest Toyota Company, amounting to the renewal fee of Yen 180000. The Toyota company inspected everything on the car, especially the engine, and passed as new. I cannot share the second-hand price for a car as it was handed over to us free, but upon checking on the website, the Toyota Vios second hand here in Japan with Automatic engine, prices range from Yen 550000 and up. Price also depends on the mileage used by the car. We just paid the renewal of registration and required to change the tire but entirely perfect, like it’s in good condition. Changing the tire is around Yen 30000.

Our car.
Our Toyota Vios, given by mother in law.

Owning a car here in Japan, especially in rural areas, is very important, as drinking water. Yes, because having a car here is necessary, not a luxury. You cannot go anywhere if no car, especially during the winter season. Food stores are really far from the houses, and you need to go via car to reach the place. Owning one is such a big help in my everyday errands for adulting and as a mother here in Japan.